Test or Exam Anxiety?

Today we are going to talk a little about anxiety that you might have when you have a test or exam coming up.  You might feel that this is do or die and feel overwhelmed with all the pressure from your parents or even pressure you have applied on yourself.

Here are some useful tips to help get you through:

  1. Always have a positive mentality when preparing and writing a test.   If you think you will fail, you probably will.
  2. Arrive to the test or exam early.  The last thing you want to do is scramble at the last minute and risk being late.
  3. Be prepared for what lies ahead.  It means to study well in advance by yourself and with friends.  Review everything you have done the past semester.
  4. Have a good night’s sleep the day before your exam.  This will leave a fresh and clear mind.
  5. Get enough nutrients before you begin.  The last thing you want is your stomach growling during a test.
  6. Read every question carefully.
  7. Try not to become distracted by things around you.
  8. Just do the best you can.   It won’t be the end of the world.  There will always be people around you that will support you no matter what the result is.

Good Luck!!


Author: Administrator

Administrator of Teen-Chat.org

One thought on “Test or Exam Anxiety?”

  1. For me, anxiety and insomnia have been a very big problem for a long time. It’s hard to deal with it because you don’t know how to handle feeling so anxious. Is there any medications that can help?

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