Preparing yourself for college and university

Long time no speak.  We are hoping you are having or had a great summer.

So you are a recent graduate and you need to prepare for college life!

What an exciting time isn’t it?

Some suggestions we can make is to be prepared.  Visit your campus ahead of time and familiarize yourself with the surroundings.  If you will be living on campus, prepare all the necessary living arrangements beforehand.  You don’t want to wait until the last minute.      This will also help with safety.

Another suggestion we can give you is to prepare yourself for a heavier workload.  College life is a little different than high school life so you will need to prepare more thoroughly.   That means studying harder, reading more and being more technical.   Utilize all the tools you can by learning how to use technology better.

More likely  than not, you will be looking to make new friends.  Now is the time to put the video game controller down and work on your public and people skills.  Meet new friends and treat everyone with respect.  After all, people will treat you the way that you treat them.

One thing you can also do is consider to work part time somewhere.  College life becomes a little bit more expensive especially if you will be moving out from your parent’s house.   Be prepared for a slightly more expensive life and the work experience can only help you down the road.

It is also important that you get involved in your school’s activities.  This is a good way to assimilate yourself into the new environment and a great way to make new friends.

Have a chat with other teenagers heading to college and share your stories with them.  This can only help.

Good luck!

Test or Exam Anxiety?

Today we are going to talk a little about anxiety that you might have when you have a test or exam coming up.  You might feel that this is do or die and feel overwhelmed with all the pressure from your parents or even pressure you have applied on yourself.

Here are some useful tips to help get you through:

  1. Always have a positive mentality when preparing and writing a test.   If you think you will fail, you probably will.
  2. Arrive to the test or exam early.  The last thing you want to do is scramble at the last minute and risk being late.
  3. Be prepared for what lies ahead.  It means to study well in advance by yourself and with friends.  Review everything you have done the past semester.
  4. Have a good night’s sleep the day before your exam.  This will leave a fresh and clear mind.
  5. Get enough nutrients before you begin.  The last thing you want is your stomach growling during a test.
  6. Read every question carefully.
  7. Try not to become distracted by things around you.
  8. Just do the best you can.   It won’t be the end of the world.  There will always be people around you that will support you no matter what the result is.

Good Luck!!