Protecting yourself online

Hey Teens!

We are posting this important message as a friendly safety reminder to all the people who use our teen chat rooms whether out of boredom or to connect with new friends or random strangers.

It is very important to remember that one of the biggest causes of leaving yourself vulnerable to such things as cyber attacks, identify theft, cyber theft, cyber stalking, or other internet crimes is from the sharing of personal information with others.     Victims of such events all had one thing in common.  That is, they shared personal information.   We have received numerous emails from people over the years and if they had practiced the safety protocols we set forth with our chat rules, they would not have been victims.

What should i do?

Under no circumstances should you share personal information with others online.   This includes your real name, telephone number or address and real profile photos of yourself.  You do not know who is on the other end.  Is the person you are chatting with, really who he or she says they are?   Unless, you have actually met this person before coming here to chat with them, we would always be wary that the person may not be who they say they are.     Even if they have a profile picture or send you photos of themselves, that does not mean they are who they say they are.  Cyber criminals often create fake identities to gain your trust.

How about my social media accounts?

Even if you give your Snapchat or Facebook account information, that is another way these criminals can gain access to your personal information by looking at your photo and event history.   So, never give out your social media information to a stranger.  If you are private chatting with an individual and he/she gets too personal with their questions or asks you for your social media accounts, kindly refuse their request.


The bottom line here is, is it really worth it to go through the trouble of being blackmailed, cyber stalked or any number of horrible internet crimes that we will even get into?   We didn’t thing so.  Keep personal information private, please.   There is on reason you cannot have fun in our chat rooms without the need to share personal information.

Author: Administrator

Administrator of

One thought on “Protecting yourself online”

  1. i have been banned now for 4 days because one letter stuck on my keyboard i find this very strange they would do that when i see people posting addresses and all kinds of weird stuff but nothing happens to them…….so if someone is reading this please unbanned me for spamming because i do not deserve to be banned for that long for what i did. My username is Keyshawn Thank you!

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