Contact Us

Contact Us Page

Kick durations lasts for up to 2 hours or so. Bans are usually permanent. If you are making a complaint about wrongfully being kicked from the chat rooms, please open a thread in our Teen Chat Forums.

For all urgent requests such as law enforcement and legal inquiries only:
Please reach out to us directly. This email will only respond to law enforcement. Preservation and Subpoena requests should also be sent directly to that email. We ask that requests by law enforcement to be sent urgently due to the software limitations and how data is stored.

Otherwise, if you are a general user of Teen Chat, please use the contact form below or the contact us form found at the bottom of the chat room page. (If you are law enforcement, do not use this form. Email us directly as outlined above):

We would love to hear from you. If you have left a question, please be patient while we respond.