Unban Appeal for spam???


New member
I got banned for spamming when i barely send any messages in the main chats or any chat tbh and I really don't see how I send one message and I get marked for spam and banned

Pleas unban if I can since I really didn't do anything wrong. I mean like you can check the chat logs no??

Username: SebsVibingLma9
That username doesn't exist when I search it and making multiple threads slows down the process
but having a bunch of bots and ppl all advertising a hell of a lot worse stuff is okay???
and I wasn't advertising. i was stating there are other sites that arent filled with bots and ppl selling advertising every few seconds

I never said "Hey! come check out this site!" I just stated that there was another
How can a filter catch that and it cant catch all the bots and spammers who actually spam??

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but having a bunch of bots and ppl all advertising a hell of a lot worse stuff is okay???
and I wasn't advertising. i was stating there are other sites that arent filled with bots and ppl selling advertising every few seconds

I never said "Hey! come check out this site!" I just stated that there was another
How can a filter catch that and it cant catch all the bots and spammers who actually spam??

Either way it's not allowed. @Arkham