Someone please unban my bsf Imsorry

What i do now?
You wait.. l0l Arkham admins 3 chats, and I help him in one of those. All you can do is wait for him to respond. Heā€™s been tagged, so he should come around tonight or morning EST at some point.
Why were you even mentioning anything involving r.a.p.e on that chat?
@Arkham Because i was extremely upset thinking about my past and my friend kept asking me whats wrong and my parents were making fun of me abt all my past bcuz they were drunk and i was telling him about all that happened in my past and i mentioned that i was r.a.p.e.d by a close friend im sorry for the problems i've caused and i really shouldnt be asking to be put back in but just please give me another chance cuz this is the only place i mostly make friends please bro like im seriously so sorry abt this...