

New member
Hey Annie! I don't know if Mickey already told you or not but my account has been hacked. Her name is Blueberry, and she is obsessed with me. This is not my account, I made this because she hacked my other account and changed the password. She has all my socials and also she hacked into my email. I am very close to contacting the police but is there anything you can do? She admitted that she was mental and this is getting too serious. She said the only way I can get my account back is if we date and I said yes but not for real because I just want my account back. The only reason i'm going through all this trouble is because I've been waiting to apply for mod and I don't want to have to do it all over again. I will upload some screenshots!

Oops, I can't. Our chats our deleted for some reason. Wait, I took a picture before and some videos on my phone but I have to see if I can upload them.
One second, this could take a while because the proof is on ******** and also i'm on chromebook.
i think the best you can do is make another acc? don’t listen to me tho i know nothing abt any of that
There is unfortunately not much we can do if you give away your password to people. Try resetting all your passwords
You can actually get access back into your accounts which has been hacked if you still got the password to your email and if she did change the password to your email then you need to consider taking extra security steps like two factor authentication security
You can actually get access back into your accounts which has been hacked if you still got the password to your email and if she did change the password to your email then you need to consider taking extra security steps like two factor authentication security
I got back into my email but like she also changed the email on my account.
Oh okay then. Don't delete the account because she said she would give it back on one condition.
It would be best if the account is banned so she doesn't get access into here and maybe try and collect other people's information also Annie
I GOT THE ACCOUNT BACK FROM HER but she legit deleted anything. I don't know if Y'all should ban her or not because if she hacked one, she can hack again!