30 day kick


New member
ok so im so dumb and i really dont want to wait 30 days i live of teen chat. so there was this other site i got banned on and me being dumb said ************** i was so use to saying that. ik im not supposed to give out other rival sites and i was not trying to i just said the full thing because i was dumb. can i plz get lesser kick or unkick if its possible im dumb and i can admit plz give me a second chance i dont wanna wait that long :(
Advertising a rival site (something in your history) is a reason to be banned/max kicked. As 30 days is currently the longest kick it is the kick you have been given.
No, you've mentioned the rival site before and got two hours (max kick) and mentioned it again and think you'd get away with it? Unless Arkham or the owner has any plans to change it wait out the kick
Honestly a 30 day kick is the least of your concerns if what advocate is saying is true than advertising three times, your next step is being banned. Rip to your vip
Honestly a 30 day kick is the least of your concerns if what advocate is saying is true than advertising three times, your next step is being banned. Rip to your vip
ok i will be honest the reason i was advertising the site before was because of olimpiya the galaxyship site owner i dont know her username exactly but its close to that. plz i will never in my life do that dumb stuff again just plz i dont want to wait 30 days