Unban please a huge request


New member
Unbanned for no reason only said sorry to someone and they jus banned me….
Kindly unban me Arkharam I will never gonna do this again..
MainID ======Archita06

Sorry for spams if I did that, I am never gonna do it again ngl
Can u proof it once....the other guy was writing cringe I was jus replying him ....tbh u shall be kicking him out....I donno why u do dis to me only.......
Please jus for god's sake unban me
It's now personal issue man.....I was jus replying to a person....What shall I do when a person tags me and ask a question....Ur being unfair as a moderator tbh..... Unban my I'd --Archita01
Kindly requesting uh....and u tell d solution too how to not reply when someone tags right behind ....dont u reply to someone when he asks you anything tbh jus stop being unfair