Spam banned


New member
I just lost my vip. I was trying to say a censored word and I used a special character. I got banned due to this. I wasn’t in a convo that was against the rules, and i now see that I shouldn’t have made that decision. It definitely won’t happen again. The context was I was trying to call someone a pxssy and I used the ü special character. Could I be unbanned?
I could never simply understand why a text banning filter but can exist when humans exist already when I've seen bots Literally ban ppl who texted something unintentionally or out of context so you'd prefer to Lazily have boys ban ppl who are innocent and said something unintentionally than mods who are active all of the time who will notice anything wrong going on cuz it's the traditional way a chat has always worked from day 1 not everything needs change is for if it's needed not just because it's cool not everything cool is good there is no denying the fact on what I'm saying as I've got ppl on my snap who got banned from the filter unintentionally who don't send nudity or dumb retarded out of date stuff Like online arguing also
Will do! I’m not in a rush for an unban, I know yall have lives and can’t take action right away lol. Tysm guys 🙏🏻🫶🏻
Just wanted to give more context so you all know why I was saying the word. A friend asked me to say someone is a *****, so I said “(name) is a *****” but it was censored, so I said “(name) is a püssy” and it automatically banned me. when I made my original post i was in band class so I quickly explained, so I thought id post again to make sure I explained well. apologies for that! using the special characters (ü) is a trick I learned for quiz room on chat avenue when I didn’t have vip, because sometimes the quiz answers were censored. I wasn’t aware this was against the rules. it would never happen again if I was lucky enough to be unbanned. thank you <33
Anyways my account which got banned by a retarded filter made by a very dumb ass retard who is in aware of basic Logical thinking or common sense ior the fact a bot can't compete or compare with a human being is kingøfheartz
Anyways my account which got banned by a retarded filter made by a very dumb ass retard who is in aware of basic Logical thinking or common sense ior the fact a bot can't compete or compare with a human being is kingøfheartz
Username cannot be found
I had to simply blast you cuz we all know the traditional way of banning/getting rid ppl n chat iis by a humans who are usually active 24/7 to keep a close eye on things not by a stupid filter bot wtf since when did bots became so damn perfect in which they can replace humans imagine if a billionaire or at least multi millionaire platform did that rely on a silly bot for taking care of any kind of wrong doing by wrong doers it will rise overnight and sink way a down under by morning it wouldn't have billions of users or as much as it can get who has no bad intentions that is I'm not speaking for the wrong doers their wins shouldn't effect any good doers who respects the rules and authority of the platform creators
The bot is only there and been there to quickly take down the sellers and child pornography offers / request and so on.... In most cases yes it does set off on it's own with the most random things possible but ark does remove it and arranges it when he can.

We do keep an eye. But the bot also helps a lot.
The bot will always be foolish idea as there is almost no way possible to prevent child porno since ppl still do nudity stuff even in2024 a thing every chat which existence of chats has faced but Im 100% sure a bot is clearly not it as most girls will report if a guy dare ask for nudity of her or even try sex chatting her I'm sure or will just block you at least cuz everybody knows how to do such so it becomes a instant thought when stuff like that occurs for girls or even guys not many girls is there for nudity most who are for that kind of stuff will be sellers which is a money not a just for fun thing or weird girls who uploads nudity most ppl do it using social media as they just can't send clickable links the links which can be sent but arnt Clickable but are openable in someway nevertheless it can't have a .com or it will show ****************** and most sites uses .com it's very common so finding a good site for uploading nudity which even those sites remove stuff 'isnt much of easy thing so yh it's obvious a bot isn't good enough pick out ppl you know are usually on to be mods not silly ridiculous bots maybe if you wanna try to prevent such things you might aswel try filtering social media cuz it happens on it most and plus the most dangerous thing you can ever do using a chat site is always meeting up that should be worked on to prevent than anything else
Hi.. I jz got banned and the reason displayed was spam. I do not understand this as I was not even texting in the main room at that moment or spamming anyone in their private chats. I am new to this platform, Idk if this is the place to put forward the issue as I ve jz seen many ppl commenting bout spam bans and hence have cme here to address my issue as well. I hope this will be taken into account. Thank you
Hi.. I jz got banned and the reason displayed was spam. I do not understand this as I was not even texting in the main room at that moment or spamming anyone in their private chats. I am new to this platform, Idk if this is the place to put forward the issue as I ve jz seen many ppl commenting bout spam bans and hence have cme here to address my issue as well. I hope this will be taken into account. Thank you
This was not a personal thing nor an action from staff. You simply triggered the spam/ban bot with something that was located in your sentence. I know what that was but cannot say. You have been unbanned
Thank you so much.. Now I remember what my last msg was.. I swear I was jz tryna help a guy who had sent such a thing in the main room. Was tryna look out for him. I didnt know that sentence should not have been used. But thank you again.
The spam but was made by a homosexual who Lacks a thing known as common sense and logic who thinks they can survive without it and a brain who also don't wanna do things himself manually so they just heavily relies on a bot just because it's their it exist to use and they got access to it not giving a damn if the bot does anything stupid