Lean shouldn't be a mod


Hello! During this entire week, I have been kicked 3 times this week for the same exact reason, "mismatching data on alt". Like I said last time, that so called "alt" is my sisters, and the only alt account I have is named eta, which has the same information as my main account. Everytime I was kicked for that reason it was by the same mod Lean. I literally tell everyone that wonyoungism is my sister but he chooses to ignore it and still uses the same reason for the kick over and over, usually he kicks me when I make fun of him or bad mouth him but, I don't say anything worth a kick so he uses the reason "mismatching data on alt". This is also not the first time he abused his powers, I ahve heard other stories where he would kick people for stupid reasons. Thank you to whoever took their time to read this and please get this problem fixed too!
They are following protocol since you haven’t messaged me about siblings or whatever. You’re banned until you can prove you are not catfishing.
Why is everyone looking past the actual issue? Kicks and bans aren't the problem, the mod is.
Ngl I should have SS of lean claiming he has the most experience and I quote "even ask Annie" he kicks for dumb reasons that arnt necessary, so I wouldn't call that "experienced" just plain stupid