I got banned with no kick, warning, or mute.

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the user AI

New member
I don't know what I did though I know it couldn't have been bad, I have no interest in sexual activity wasn't posting where I lived and I wasn't spamming or at least not bad I've tried to talk to the mod advocate got ZERO explanation just "you won't be getting unbanned" and then kicked or getting told you got banned by someone else and kicked again I want an explanation for what I did because in my opinion I don't deserve it
would like a response as soon as possible.

my user is AI I have an astronaut profile picture the astronaut is taking a selfie.
You did state a specific city and state and also you were pushing your own d.i.s.c.o.r.d server in which you were going to verify ages of any guests. So with both those issues being done in the open chat why would the ban be lifted?
my disc server is far less horrible than what most others are posting in the chat. guests, users and VIPs are doing inappropriate things on there, teenchat.org might as well be considered a porn website with all of the creeps on there and the reason why I and I would verify guests ages is because most of them are 20+ I get at least 3 guests a day saying "36m wanna watch?" or "do you like older guys...." etc. etc. what I was sharing was far less horrible than anything else being posted. I just want teens to have a fun place to talk without and creepy old men trying to get their nudes so that's why I verify ages for any guests.
and my posts for my city and state weren't for tonight if you had a problem with that then you could have told me and I have good reason for finding people in my state I would prefer not to share because it invades a VERY private part of my life and since these posts are public everyone would be seeing my issues, I do not want that.
I'm so sorry I just want what's best for the underaged members of my server when you don't really care about the underaged members of yours by allowing there to be a guest option, there's only so many emails one person can make so there's only so many accounts one person can make for this site. if you want people to be safe and people to not want to verify ages for guests get rid of the guest option
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