Hello!! This applies to alot of users with this problem


Active member
Greetings reader.

At this time I have seen a couple complaints (including myself) about the amount of people being annoyed with the auto logout feature, It does get really annoying because I could go AFK for a few minutes and come back and it's gone, none of the other chats that I am on have this so I was wondering if you could talk to the owner or someone with the cpanel or admin panel to go in and turn it off.

I know that at the start of this post I said a couple of complaints but I'm not sure exactly how many, so if your like me and are annoyed with this problem just comment it on my post and maybe we will get enough to get the admin or owner to answer it and get it down, I hope that someone See's this post soon and can reply, it would help the chat out greatly..

Another thing that I was wondering about is the drawing, because sometimes maybe I wanna draw a picture or something but can't do that so maybe if you can make it so that the users can post drawing in main and DMS that would be great, that's all I ask for because everything else that is needed is on there.

Thank you and hopefully you can read this

Your friend and fellow chatter
