Either im trans or this is just possibly the worst most unrelatable take ever im js praying sm1 gets this but i js need to get this off my chest lmao


New member
Why do i feel like i want to be a boy but not bcs im trans i just feel like itd be a lot better bcs as a girl u kind of have to listen to what ur told and just do it like whatever it is: "go out more", "dress normal", "no dont do that to your hair, it looks better how it is", "you don't need to work out, your weight/body is fine" "you dont need MORE skincare stuff you have enough" you just obey w/o standing your ground (well at least i do) because i know if i try putting up a fight it will js make my mental health worse bcs i end up crying all the time and in the end i dont get my own way anyway it js creates a lot of trauma but i feel like boys dont have this problem bcos they kind of (1)

force themselves to be stronger mentally as thats what society expects of them, which im not saying is a good/healthy view to have, but i just want to be a boy so i can do what i want easier bcs i feel like most of them dont give up easily to get what they want. Idk if this makes any sense or im js weird and looking to deep into it but yea i hate being a girl i dont want to transition now tho i just would of preferred to be born male (2)

In 2 parts bc i was going to post this on my wa status dont have time to edit it now ive literally got 30 seconds screen time left 😭 i honestly dont know what this is so dont ask
It's normal to have feelings and thoughts like this, and it's important to explore and understand them. It's possible that your discomfort with expectations for girls and women is leading you to imagine that being a boy would be easier or better.
It's important to note that gender identity is a deeply personal and complex aspect of ourselves, and it's not something that can be easily defined or understood. If you are feeling uncertain or stressed out about your gender identity, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or a friend who is knowledgeable about gender and sexuality issues. They can help you explore your feelings and understand yourself better.
Remember that there is no right way to be a boy or a girl, and it's important to be true to yourself and your own unique experiences and feelings. It's okay to question gender norms and expectations, and to seek out the kind of life and identity that feels most authentic and fulfilling to you. But I wouldn't know 🧍‍♀️