Banned for asking why are so many ppl "selling" 🤦‍♂️


New member
As the title says, I was banned just for asking why there are so many people selling! and asking them to stop. It's quite shocking that I got banned for asking ppl to follow community guidelines just cos my message contained the word sell in a completely opposite context, when there are ppl freely using the word!

So, please unblock me. Username is Vish
Unfortunately it'll take a while once admin gets a chance / gets on.
All I see is one word and that word is selling so were you attempting to sell?
All I see is one word and that word is selling so were you attempting to sell?
No. I had already typed the message saying "why are there so many ppl selling stuff here" but had typoed and this was the follow up message to that where I tried to correct the word "selling". I don't know if this is possible but if you see the flagged message uncensored there should be an Astrix that I put at the end of that word when I sent it. Since it was correcting the typo.

Furthermore, it would be really good and required, if you can make it so that the chat context is captured for your review in and not just that single message. You would see my original full message in that case.

Please unban me as soon as possible, since it's been days and I have been quite patient, especially having been banned for such a silly reason of trying to stop people selling in the first place. Thank you
I will give you another chat but do not say anything about selling again, stay away from that topic completely!