Kicked for 2 hours by this "h" dude???

good for u, u do know threatening is another valid ban 💀
cant wait for those "feds" to dig deep and see ur pervy and racist posts on both sites
Doesnt matter to me. It wasnt a threat. It was a promise! Was nothing "I" said on my own account that was pervy or racist. They dont gaf about racial or what i supposedly have did. They only care about what my family up north has reported! Any other proof i can collect for them??
That still proves nothing but i dont need to see nothing now because since the site is under investigation i can say nothing more. I HAVE been informed tho to continue collectimg proof as it helps in thier investigations. I had proof that this was over hatred of me plus that the linked account happened just on THIS site... and im gathering more proof as i get it! 😁
good for u, do that

Doesnt matter to me. It wasnt a threat. It was a promise! Was nothing "I" said on my own account that was pervy or racist. They dont gaf about racial or what i supposedly have did. They only care about what my family up north has reported! Any other proof i can collect for them??
"ur family up north"
tf they have to do with u being pervy and racist
on two chat sites..
They are claiming to be but i dunno. Usually a mod has that imbedded in thier screenname here saying 'teen chat mod" bordered in blue unless they run a different account here than they do in the chat itself.
i can't see any staff tags on her profile so i'm assuming she's lying