Just a friend or...?


New member
Hey. I really don't know what I'm doing. But I'm hoping I could get some advice on what to do.
I have never dated before and I'm honestly scared to try it even though I want to.

So, recently, I have been chatting more with a guy friend that I have. I'm gonna call him Jake for anonymous purposes. Anyways, Jake and I have quite a bit in common and I always have felt comfortable chatting with him. I met him 2 years ago and have stayed in contact for this long. But, now, every time I talk to him on ********, I feel a kind of excitement. I like talking with him. He makes me feel comfortable in a way that I would be able to share all my worries with him. He makes me laugh, even if it's just through text. I used to think that wow, it's my first close guy friend. But, I'm not sure if that's all there is to it. He's always willing to chat with me. But what really made me question my prior feelings was when I got mad at him for the first time. A couple months ago, we talked about meeting up over Christmas or something since our families knew each other. It would be a friendly reunion I guess. However. He also said he was gonna bring another friend named Fred? I think? And it became some kind of joke and Jake tried to ship me and Fred together. I don't even know who Fred is. It was absurd. Yeah, it was a harmless joke but it made me mad that he would just ship me with another one of his friends. Jake and his younger sister (also my friend) tried to get me on facetime at the same time with Fred so that we could meet. Like, what??? I didn;t like that. I just nervously laughed. I mean, what else could I do in that situation. I was kind of just mad and confused for the next few days. But then Jake would also send me pictures of his cat all the time because he knows I love his cat. And do things to cheer me up all the time. So is this just one sided crush? What should I do.... I'm scared of losing him. But at the same time, I've never felt this way about my other school crush. It's different. Idk. There's Jake and then my school crush who I find so annoying sometimes but I guess I'm just used to liking them. UGh. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING. IDK WHAT TO DO. PLease send help!!!